Ministry of Culture announces applications’ collecting for participation in "Small Cities – Great Impressions" project

2018 was declared the Year of Cultural Heritage in the European Union. Ukraine did not stand aside, and on 18 October 2017 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine supported the draft decree of the President of Ukraine on the announcement of 2018 as the Year of the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

Taking into account the tendencies and processes going on in the country, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine initiates a project called “Small Cities – Great Impressions”. Within the framework of the project, six amalgamated hromadas or small cities will be selected by means of an open competition for the implementation of pilot cultural start-ups connected with cultural heritage, the realisation of which will promote further cultural and economic development of the territories.

The winners of the contest – project participants will receive financial support in the amount of not less than UAH 500 thousand for project implementation as well as methodical help in the following areas:

- Elaboration of the exclusive idea.- Development of start-up concept.
- Support in course of implementation.
- Marketing support of the project.

Realisation of the project will create conditions for the complex development of the following components:

1. Formation of the image of territories, contributing to the growth of investment attractiveness.
2. Integration of cultural heritage into hromada life.
3. Creation of conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the service sector.
4. Formation of hromada traditions.
5. Creation of cluster and hubs/development of start-ups.

Proposals to the expert council may be submitted by:
Local self-government bodies of small cities and amalgamated hromadas, organisations and unities irrespective of the form of ownership and subordination, that are legal entities with no purpose of profit making and carry out implementation of measures in the field of culture and art in accordance with their statutory liabilities.

The documents for the contest are submitted in electronic and paper form:
till 30 November 24.00 in electronic form to e-mail:
till 2 December 17.00 in paper form to the address: Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.

“Small Cities – Great Impressions” contest – 19, Ivan Franko Str., Kyiv-01030.

1. Application form filled-in according to the established sample (download)

2. Data on the object of cultural heritage:
- historical background;
- plan of the object and the adjoining territory;
- certificate of the object’s status;
- property holder certificate.

3. Guarantee letters from the Oblast State Administration and local self-government bodies on co-financing of the project;

4. Guarantee letters from the potential project partners.

In case of any questions, please apply to:

03.11.2017 - 14:18 | Views: 29609
Ministry of Culture announces applications’ collecting for participation in "Small Cities – Great Impressions" project

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Міністерство культури України

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