"Time for Opportunities": Weekly Programme on Decentralisation Started on Channel 5  

From now on, in the evening each Monday, statesmen, government officials, experts, and representatives of communities will comment on and analyse the progress of decentralisation in Ukraine, seek for a solution of any issues faced by the local self-government.

The first show of the programme will be devoted to financial decentralisation and draft laws required to be adopted to accelerate the decentralisation.

The programme will feature the exclusive comments by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.


Serhii Marchenko, Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine,

Olena Boiko, member of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), member of the Parliamentary Committee on State-Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government,

Anatolii Tkachuk, Director for Science and Development Department at the Institute of Civil Society,

Velina Zayats, Head of the Dunayevetska city amalgamated territorial community (Khmelnitsky Oblast).

The programme has been created with the assistance of the Council of Europe's "Decentralisation and Territorial Consolidation in Ukraine" Programme.



A.Tkachuk Olena Boyko


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