New center in Druzhkivka can provide 120,000 people over a hundred quality services

The Center for Administrative Service Provision (TsNAP) in Druzhkivka, Donetsk Oblast, is fully operational now and will render 139 services to 120,000 people in and around the city.   

The conflict in the eastern regions of Ukraine has made the upgrading of local services, such as the creation of Centers for Administrative Service Provision (TsNAPs), much more difficult.So as a part of the UNDP Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme and with funding from the European Union, a project was implemented to equip the TsNAP in the city of Druzhkivka with everything it needs to be fully operational.

Full building repairs and renovation of the territory were paid for using budget funding.. The UNDP purchased the necessary furniture and equipment for 28 workstations; and equipped waiting areas, a children’s corner, an archive, a server, a back office and a kitchen.

''Well-functioning administrative service centres could become the symbol of a new quality of local government in Ukraine,” Juana Mera Cabello of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine said at the center’s opening ceremony.

“That’s why we’re very happy about the opening of this friendly and transparent office today, which will provide numerous services to all citizens of Dryzhkivka,” Mera Cabello said.

The EU/UNDP also provided design solutions to complete the workstations and arrange waiting areas for TsNAP visitors. Additional waiting areas were equipped for people with disabilities: tactile tiles and braille plates installed for people with visual impairments; one WC was equipped with handrails for wheelchair users; and relevant information stands were put in place.

“From now on, the people of Druzhkivka, and among them people with disabilities, the elderly and families with children, will not have to wait long lines to get their documents ready,” said Janthomas Hiemstra, UNDP Country Director.

“The new center, the first in Donetsk Oblast, will set an example for other local authorities on how to organize people-friendly, inclusive, responsive and fast service and build trust between citizens and local governments,” Hiemstra added.

UNDP has prepared training programmes and study tours around Ukraine for TsNAP staff in order to help them master their working skills and thus improve the quality of administrative services.

This TsNAP is intended to render 139 various administrative services. The long-term plan sees the hromada (community’s) population at 120,000.

19.10.2017 - 09:50 | Views: 18511
New center in Druzhkivka can provide 120,000 people over a hundred quality services


Administrative services


Донецька область


United Nations Development Programme

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