A Modernised Administrative Services Centre Began Operating in Hostomel Community with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme

On October 12, a modern ASC was opened in the town of Hostomel. Created by Ukrainian and Swedish experts, the Centre will offer a wide range of administrative services, including the most in-demand services among the community residents such as housing subsidies, real estate registration, land utilisation, social security and pension services.

Hostomel ASC will deliver 48 administrative services and employ six full-time administrators. The Centre will allow more than 24,000 residents of Hostomel community to enjoy convenient and high-quality access to administrative services. Revenues from the administrative services will be credited to the Hostomel community budget.

Refurbishment and renovation of the premises as well as procurement of software was provided in the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme: improving the delivery of local administrative services. Furthermore, the ASC staff took part in the advanced training conducted within the Programme and improved their competencies. Leading Ukrainian and Swedish experts developed five training modules for future ASC staff in the amalgamated territorial communities of Ukraine. It should be noted that the training programme has a significant focus on supporting gender equality. The ATC residents to be employed by the ASCs learn about gender equality in a separate training module.

Prior to the ASC opening, an awareness-raising campaign was conducted to help local community members have a better understanding of the ASC operations and benefits, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the ASC employees and service users.

Improved access to and quality of administrative services are important objectives of the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of government that has been implemented in Ukraine since 2014. Hostomel ATC has used the reform tools to ensure its territorial development and create a comfortable environment for every community member.

The Chairman of Hostomel Settlement Council, Yuri Prylypko, thanked the U-LEAD with Europe Programme for the significant contribution in establishing the Administrative Services Centre in Hostomel community and noted that the newly opened ASC will introduce a new approach to service delivery by ensuring fast, transparent and barrier-free services in a welcoming and comfortable environment.

Susanna Dellans, U-LEAD with Europe Inception Phase Project Manager said that Hostomel community is one of the first partners of the Programme where the ASC was opened and commanded the proactive attitude and cohesion of the community when participating in the Programme. “We would like to thank the local community for the enthusiasm, responsibility and proactivity in renovating the ASC. Our partnership within the U-LEAD with Europe has met all our expectations. And I believe that you will also utilise other opportunities that the decentralisation reform offers since the first step, improving the delivery of local administrative services, has already been made.”

The modernised ASC is designed under the European standards to ensure access for people with disabilities. There is also an indoor play area for children.

The ASC is located in the centre of Hostomel at 220 Sviato-Pokrovska Street and operates 6 days a week.

It should be emphasised that 26 ASCs will be opened in 2017 within the pilot phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme: improving the delivery of local administrative services, including Hostomel Administrative Services Centre.

The best practices for creating and improving the delivery of administrative services that are tested and implemented in 26 pilot communities of the inception phase will be applied to all ASCs to be opened or modernised within the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. That is at least 400 ASCs by the end of 2020.

13.10.2017 - 13:59 | Views: 24630


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The U-LEAD with Europe Programme: improving the delivery of local administrative services

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