The Amalgamated Communities have Already Distributed 91% of Funds of the Government Grant Among Infrastructure Projects

As of 29 September, the Commission at the Ministry of Regional Development approved 1,693 infrastructure projects in the amalgamated communities, which projects will be implemented by the end of the current year for the account of the respective government grant. The aggregate amount of approved projects totals UAH 1.36 billion or 91% of the planned funds of government grant for the development of infrastructure in ATCs for 2017.

Of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities that are to receive the government grant for infrastructure, 355 communities have submitted their projects.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Regional Development, all funds of the government grant have been distributed by the communities in Zakarpattya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, and Chernivtsi Oblasts (regions).

More than 90% of the funds have been distributed by the amalgamated communities in the following Oblasts: Donetsk (the remainder of funds is 1%), Zaporizhia (the remainder is 2%), Vinnytsia, Kirovohrad, Lviv (in each, the remainder is 3%), Mykolayiv (4%), Chernihiv (6%), Zhytomyr (7%), Volyn (8%), Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Cherkasy (in each, the remainder is 9%).

More than one-third of funds of the government grant has not been yet distributed by the ATCs in Odesa Oblast (the remainder is 37%).

So far, the amalgamated communities in Kyiv Oblast have not submitted any applications. The state has allocated more than UAH 6 million for them in the form of a government grant for the development of infrastructure.

List of Communities that Failed to Submit Their Projects to the Commission for Consideration:

  • Lykhivska (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast),  
  • Chyzhivska (Zhytomyr Oblast),
  • Kalytianska and Piskivska (Kyiv Oblast),
  • Rozkvitivska (Odesa Oblast),
  • Nedoharkivska, Pokrovsko-Bahachanska, Novoavramivska (Poltava Oblast),
  • Koropetska, Lopushnenska (Ternopil Oblast),
  • Baturynska (Chernihiv Oblast),

As it was reported, the state provides assistance to the amalgamated territorial communities, specifically, when it concerns the matters of reconstruction and development of infrastructure in their territories. For this purpose, the 2017 State Budget provides for UAH 1.5 billion. Those funds will be channelled for the development of infrastructure in the 366 amalgamated communities established in 2015-2016.

The matter of providing the government grant from the state budget to local budgets for the formation of the infrastructure in the amalgamated communities is regulated by Resolution No. 200 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated 16 March 2016.



Press Centre of the "Decentralisation of Power" Initiative

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