Addition of Revenues to Local Budgets Totalled More than 28 Billion, Halyna Markovych

In January through August 2017, UAH 120.7 billion was paid to the general fund of local budgets, which amount totals 71.4% of the planned annual targets approved by local councils. It was informed so by Halyna Markovych, Coordinator of the focus area "Local Budgets" of the Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation, with reference to the updated information provided by the Ministry of Finance. 

The addition of revenues, in comparison with the same period of the previous year, totalled 30.8 % or UAH 28.4 billion. In this connection, the growth rate of revenues in 21 Oblasts (regions) was ensured to be higher than average in Ukraine.

The expert noted that the growth was seen with respect to all types of revenues, in particular:

  • personal income tax totalled 140.3% - an increase of UAH 19.6 billion (UAH 68.3 billion was paid). In 18 of the 25 regions, the growth rate was higher than average in Ukraine;
  • flat-rate tax totalled 140.0% - an increase of UAH 4.2 billion (UAH 14.8 billion was paid). In 19 of the 25 regions, the growth rate was higher than average in Ukraine;
  • land tax totalled 114.7% - an increase of UAH 2.3 billion (UAH 17.7 billion was paid). In 21 of the 25 regions, the growth rate was higher than average in Ukraine;

The trend of higher growth rates of budgets of the amalgamated territorial communities persists - the increase in the general fund revenues totals 137.0 % or UAH 1.5 billion (UAH 5.5 billion was paid).



Press Centre of the "Decentralisation of Power" Initiative

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