Hennadii Zubko: A legislative roadmap of decentralization reform discussed

After the Verkhovna Rada votes for amendments to the Constitution regarding decentralization in the second reading, we will have a road map to ensure fast adaptation of the legislation. Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Hennadii Zubko announced at the meeting chaired by Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman.

"There are three legislative packages. The first, a basic package, comprises four bills as the foundation for the new Constitution. The second package is designed to adapt a number of laws on budget, taxes, elections and the like. Finally, the third package - amendments to the sectoral legislation", explained Hennadii Zubko.

According to the official, the overall change would affect 22 branches of public administration. While a gradual plan for the country to transfer to decentralization should be implemented by the spring of 2018.

Moreover, Hennadii Zubko informed that the Ministry he chairs is eager to improve the enacted laws, primarily the Law On voluntary association of territorial communities.

It should be noted earlier the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities informed about the preparation of a number of laws and regulations that afford to make another step towards decentralization to vote for the amendments to the Constitution in the second reading.



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