Hennadii Zubko: A reform support center to be set up in Kyiv

Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko announced about a decision to establish a Regional Development Centre, which is a unique example of joining efforts of the government, the public and international partners.
"With the support of Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman, the Parliament has handed over the premises for the operation of the Regional Development Centre", stressed Hennadii Zubko.

"We are creating a single platform to unite our endeavours in the implementation of the power decentralization", the official said.

"This is a kind of the reform promotion center, which should become a single platform for the central government, local governments, international partners and the civil society. Its main purpose is to coordinate the regional reform offices, to implement and adapt international experience, to conduct an expert and legislative expertise", explained the Vice Prime Minister.

The Vice Premier of Ukraine noted that the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities works in partnership with such international organizations as DESPRO (Switzerland), GIZ (Germany), USAID, European governments.

According to the official, today the whole world is closely watching the successful completion of the decentralization reform, which is a key reform in the country. That is why the project partners were the Ministry of Regional Development, the Council of Europe and the Association of Ukrainian Cities, which signed the corresponding Memorandum.

It should be noted, earlier the EU announced the allocation of an assistance to Ukraine worth EUR90 million to ensure implementation of the decentralization reform. This money should be distributed among three areas: infrastructure development of local communities, assistance in the elaboration of regional development investment projects, the creation of centers for providing administrative services for the territorial communities.



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