OSCE: “Local elections in Ukraine were the starting point of decentralization”

Local elections, which took place in Ukraine on Sunday, became the starting point for decentralization. According to OSCE press-service, the statement was made by the head of the mission of observers from the Congress of Regional and Local Authorities of the Council of Europe, Gudrun Mosler-Tornstrom.

“These local elections were the starting point of decentralization and territorial reforms in Ukraine. Despite difficult circumstances and some irregularities, they were organized in an overall satisfactory manner”, she said. 

For the next elections the mission head encourages the authorities to revise the existing legislation in order to better reflect the voters’ will at the grassroots level.

“According to the delegation of the European Parliament, the elections were held in accordance to the international standards”, noted the head of European Parliamentary delegation, Andrey Plenkovich.

He also urged Ukraine to overcome the drawbacks, detected during electoral process.

“We will continue to provide assistance and support reforms in order for Ukraine to achieve greater progress on the way to implementation of the Association Agreement”, he added.

As we know, the first elections of October 25 took place in 159 unified communities.


Decentralization of power

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