Achievements of the Decentralisation are Unquestionable, Its Success is Confirmed by Facts and Figures, Hennadii Zubko about the Monitoring of the Reform Process

In the course of decentralisation commenced by the Government by approval of the Concept of Reforming Local Self-Government and Territorial Structure of Power in Ukraine, 616 amalgamated communities have been established, comprising almost 3 thousand village, town, and city councils. Those communities have become important development entities of Ukraine. It was said by Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko during the presentation of the monitoring of the decentralisation  of power and reforming local self-government process as of August 2017.

"As shown by the monitoring, the substantial growth of local budgets has also become an unquestionable success of the reform: from UAH 68.6 billion in 2014 up to UAH 170.7 billion anticipated in 2017. The reform offers new financial opportunities for the development of Ukrainian cities and villages, for the enhancement of the communities' capability and, hence, for the improvement of the level of services provided to the residents", Hennadii Zubko noted.

At the same time, he emphasised that, in addition to the achievements in the reform, the government's monitoring allows determining its weak points, seeing what support and which areas of work are required to be improved by the bodies of local self-government and local state administrations.

"By analyzing the information provided by ministries and local state administrations, the Government is in a position to opportunely respond to any problems and facilitate the solution of any complex issues when an intervention on our part is required. We also monitor the progress of sectoral changes - in the area of education, health care, provision of public services, town development - and, based on those data, we can be engaged in a meaningful dialogue with the relevant bodies of executive power", Hennadii Zubko said.

According to the Vice Prime Minister, the results of the monitoring will be published on a monthly basis in the form of simple diagrams and charts thus allowing all interested parties to continuously monitor the reform progress, have current, straightforward, and objective information confirmed by figures and facts.

The PRESENTATION of the decentralisation process monitoring (DOWNLOAD)



the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine

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