The Approval of Projects and Allocation of Funds of the State Fund for Regional Development is Actually Completed

Today, at its 4th meeting, the Inter-Departmental Commission on assessment of investment programmes and projects on regional development that may be implemented on the account of funds of the State Fund for Regional Development approved 30 projects of the total value of almost UAH 99 million. The approved projects will be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for final approval.

As of 30 August, 797 projects have been approved, in the total amount of UAH 3,468,308.3 thousand. Consequently, out of UAH 3.5 billion allocated to the State Fund for Regional Development for 2017, UAH 31,691,700 remains to be distributed. The largest amount of funds from the State Fund for Regional Development is to be distributed in Mykolayiv (more than UAH 17 million) and Luhansk Oblasts (Regions) (almost UAH 4 million), as well as in the city of Kyiv (more than UAH 9 million). The remainder of undistributed funds is in Kherson, Zhytomyr, and Sumy Oblasts.

According to First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Viacheslav Nehoda, main observations that are not currently taken into consideration include the lack of confirmation of co-financing on the part of local budgets and non-compliance with the requirements of the laws regarding the implementation of energy efficiency measures, as well as the lack of integrated approach to the solution of outstanding problems. He noted that the main weakness is that regions select local projects solving the problem partially or sectionally rather than ensuring an integrated approach to its solution.

"Regarding the approved projects, in exchange for guarantees, we have to obtain resolutions of local councils on their participation in the co-financing of the projects, as soon as possible. Without such resolutions, we will not be able to submit those projects to the Government for approval", Viacheslav Nehoda emphasised.

He emphasised the importance of accelerating by six Oblasts of the process of submitting to the Commission of projects to be financed for the account of the State Fund for Regional Development, whereas all others have to ensure qualitative and opportune implementation of the projects and programmes that have already been approved

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