Earned Revenues of the Amalgamated Communities have Increased Twice - Data for 7 Months

The earned revenues of local budgets of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities over the period of January to July 2017 have increased by almost twice in comparison with the same period in the previous year.

It was so informed by Yanina Kaziuk, Financial Decentralisation Coordinator of the Central Office for Reforms at the Ministry of Regional Development (with the assistance of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme).

The expert recalled that 366 amalgamated territorial communities have entered into direct inter-budgetary relations with the state budget in 2017, 207 of which communities received 60% of revenues to their local budgets from the personal income tax in the current year alone. "The own resources of those 207 ATCs, in comparison with the same period in the previous year, have increased by three times and totalled UAH 2.5 billion (+ UAH 1.6 billion)", Yanina Kaziuk informed.

The other 159 ATCs, already in 2016, received to their local budgets 60% of the personal income tax paid. The growth rate of their earned revenues has increased by 38% (+ UAH 612 million) for that period.

Consequently, the earned revenues of local budgets of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities have increased, in general, by almost twice and totalled UAH 4.7 billion (+ UAH 2.2 billion).

"The growth rate of earned revenues of the ATCs (+ 38%) is higher than the average growth rate of local budgets in Ukraine which totals 32%", Yanina Kaziuk emphasised.

Calculated per resident, the average amount of influx of the earned revenues in the amalgamated territorial communities increased by UAH 713 and totalled UAH 1,500.

Inclusive of inter-budget transfers from the state budget, the revenues of the general fund of local budgets of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities have totalled UAH 10.8 billion.

For the time being, the amalgamated communities have received a government grant from the state budget for the development of infrastructure in the amount of UAH 666.6 million.


The influx of own resources to all 366 amalgamated territorial communities over the period of January to July 2017, in comparison with the same period of 2016:

in total - UAH 4.7 billion (a nearly two times increase or by UAH 2.2 billion), in particular:

personal income tax totalled UAH 2.7 billion (a three-times increase or by UAH 1.8 billion);

land use fee totalled UAH 741 million (an increase of 19% or by UAH 118 million);

flat-rate tax totalled UAH 663 million (an increase of 51% or by UAH 224 million);

excise tax totalled UAH 394 million (an increase of 3% or by UAH 12 million);

immovable property tax totalled UAH 76 million (an increase of 71% or by UAH 32 million).

Inclusive of transfers from the state budget, the revenues of the general fund of local budgets of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities totalled UAH 10.8 billion.

The influx of own resources to the local budgets of the 159 amalgamated territorial communities over the period of January to July 2017, in comparison with the same period of 2016:

in total - UAH 2.2 billion (an increase of 38% or by UAH 612 million), ), in particular:

personal income tax totalled UAH 1.3 billion (an increase of 47%);

land use fee totalled UAH 348 million (an increase of 18%);

excise tax totalled UAH 205 million (an increase of 2%);

flat-rate tax totalled UAH 288 million (an increase of 54%).

immovable property tax totalled UAH 35 million (an increase of 67%).


The influx of own resources to the local budgets of the 207 amalgamated territorial communities over the period of January to July 2017, in comparison with the same period of 2016:

in total - UAH 2.5 billion (a three-times increase or by UAH 1.6 billion), in particular:

personal income tax totalled UAH 1.4 billion;

land use fee totalled UAH 394 million (an increase of 20%);

excise tax totalled UAH 190 million (an increase of 4.5%);

flat-rate tax  totalled UAH 375 million (an increase of 49%).

immovable property tax  totalled UAH 41 million (an increase of 75%).

Note. The information is provided with reference to official data of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on the basis of achievement of local budget targets by the amalgamated territorial communities prior to and after their voluntary amalgamation and after the acquisition thereby of the right to direct inter-budgetary relations with the state budget



the Press Centre of the "Decentralisation of Power" Initiative

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