767 Projects will be Financed by the State Fund for Regional Development in 2017

On 12 July, the Government approved one more list of investment programmes and projects for regional development to be financed in the current year for the account of resources from the State Fund for Regional Development, in the total amount of UAH 2.6 billion. Currently, there are 767 projects amounting to nearly UAH 3.4 billion to be financed within the framework of the State Fund for Regional Development. 531 of those facilities will be completed and put into operation already by the end of the current year. It was so stated by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine when commenting the respective draft decree.

"We clearly see how many and which projects exactly will be implemented in the communities this year. That is a concrete prospective map of regional infrastructure. We see that, for the account of such decentralisation tool as the State Fund for Regional Development, 294 educational facilities, 148 health care and social security institutions will be developed or modernised, and 77 projects for the reconstruction of traffic and transport infrastructure will be implemented in the regions. In addition, there will be implemented 84 sports projects comprising more than 10% of the total amount of financing by the State Fund for Regional Development. It is for the first time that we have such indicator of the sports infrastructure development. That is another wave of qualitative changes in the life of communities and Ukrainians, which changes materialise in the form of real objects because of decentralisation", Hennadii Zubko noted.

It is a reminder that the total amount of financing by the State Fund for Regional Development for 2017 is UAH 3.5 billion.

You can find full "Projects of the State Fund for Regional Development for 2017" presentation HERE



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