The Law that Ensures the Funding of Elections in Amalgamated Communities is to Become Effective Tomorrow

Today, 11 July, the "Holos Ukrainy" newspaper published the law governing the issue of financial support to hold local elections, including the first local elections in the amalgamated territorial communities (draft law No. 6431).

This Law shall become effective on the next day following the date of its publication.

It is a reminder that, pursuant to the law, the government grant from the state budget to local budgets for holding elections of members of local councils and mayors and heads of villages, settlements, and cities was increased by UAH 272.3 million.

The law will ensure a proper preparation process and holding of the first elections in the amalgamated territorial communities, as well as the off-year local elections for the account of funds of the relevant government grant.

According to the information of the Ministry of Regional Development, 123 amalgamated territorial communities are already awaiting the decision of the Central Elections Commission on calling the first elections in their territory.

In addition, there are communities willing to accede to communities that have already amalgamated. In such case, it is required that off-year elections are held in the territory of the councils that have acceded.

As is known, altogether, 413 amalgamated territorial communities have already been established in Ukraine over the period of 2015 to 2017, which communities are composed of 1971 former local councils.



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