Parliament Committee has Approved the Allocation of Government Grant for Infrastructure to Amalgamated Communities

The draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the procedure for and conditions of granting a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the formation of infrastructure of consolidated territorial communities was published on the official website of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

It is reminder that, in 2017, the government grant for the purposes of formation of infrastructure of the 366 amalgamated territorial communities which were established in 2015-2016 has totalled UAH 1.5 billion; Including UAH 1 billion from the special fund and UAH 0.5 billion from the general fund.

The funds of the government grant shall be allocated among budgets of the amalgamated communities in proportion to their area and the number of rural population, whereas each of these factors has equal weight.

The largest amount of the government grant shall be for Khmelnytskyi (UAH 167 million), Zhytomyr (UAH 155 million), and Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (region) (UAH 135 million).

The largest amount of the government grant shall be allocated for Olevska amalgamated territorial community in Zhytomyr Oblast - UAH 27.8 million, Snovska ATC in Chernihiv Oblast - UAH 15.8 million, and Novoushytska ATC in Khmelnytskyi Oblast - UAH 14.8 million.

It was reported earlier that the relevant resolution of the Government had been already published on the Government Portal.

You can find the text of the Resolution, including appendices thereto, HERE



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