Integrated Approach to the Establishment of Individual Security Centres in Communities has been Presented

The security of individuals is the most important task.  Therefore, the establishment of Individual Security Centres means quite a new quality of service provided by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine at the community level. That means the possibility and ability of the community to fully protect the life of its residents. That means an integrated approach - each such Centre will comprise a fire safety station, local police officer's office and, when required, a medical and obstetrical station. Exactly that approach was suggested by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to Oblast State Administrations for the implementation in communities.  It was said so by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko commenting the results of the telephone conference with the heads of Oblast State Administrations.

The cost of a basic Security Centre totals UAH 2.3 million, and optimal one, UAH 3 million.




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