The Government has Approved the Medium-Term Action Plan over the Period until 2020: Sectoral Decentralisation is among the Priorities

The decentralisation reform is determined as one of the key reforms in the Government Priority Action Plan for 2017 and over the medium-term period until 2020.  It is important that a medium-term route map has been approved for the first time ever, which map allows the communities planning their budgets, their development not for a year but for a long term, and strictly following that plan. It was so reported by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko.

"We set out specific steps to be taken over 2017. The main block of issues includes the sectoral decentralisation specifying the steps to be taken by us jointly with the relevant ministries. In particular, we have to develop standard models of a uniform educational, cultural, physical training and sports, and social space in communities. The next step includes the formation of hospital districts, optimisation of the network of underfilled schools, further development of administrative service centres and transfer to the amalgamated territorial communities of powers regarding the provision of services of the state registration of acts of civil status, as well as the continued transfer of powers of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate to the local level", Hennadii Zubko noted.

Also, he stated that the improvement of the quality of project management within the amalgamated territorial communities is an important matter, which management is related to the development and implementation of infrastructure projects, as well as the enhancement of cooperation in combining capabilities of the amalgamated territorial communities in dealing common issues.

In addition, he noted that the task was to establish an efficient regional development planning system through setting respective criteria and requirements to the projects. "With the improved quality of preparation and selection of regional projects financed on account of the State Fund for Regional Development, we will concentrate the budgetary and local resources on the priority areas. This includes the improvement of the quality of services, creation of new jobs, and enhancement of competitiveness of regions. We have to establish 25 agencies in the regions which will promote regional development", the Vice Prime Minister noted.

You can find the presentation of the Government Medium-Term Priority Action Plan until 2020 HERE



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