25 More Amalgamated Communities have Become Participants of the DOBRE Project

On 26 April, 25 more amalgamated communities were announced in Kyiv, which communities would become participants of the USAID funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) programme.

"We expect that all communities participating in the Programme will for sure become the image of decentralisation, and their representatives will become the agents of changes at the local level. Due to the international assistance, those communities now have obtained additional capabilities to demonstrate rapid changes, become a model for others in the preparation and implementation of their own development strategies, in the enhancement of the level of educational, medical, social, administrative, and other services to the residents, in the implementation of infrastructure projects, in the efficient use of funds, and, in general, in dealing most of local issues", First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Viacheslav Nehoda said during the official announcement of partnership between the DOBRE Programme and those 25 amalgamated communities.

The selected 25 communities include six communities from each of Dnipropetrovsk and Ternopil Oblasts (Regions), five from Mykolayiv, three from Ivano-Frankivsk, two from each of Kherson and Kirovohrad Oblasts, and one from Kharkiv Oblast. In particular:

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast:

Zelenodolska City Community

Sofiyivska Town Community

Vasylkivska Town Community

Hrechanopodiyivska Village Community

Bohdanivska Village Community

Verbkivska Village Community

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast:

Bilshivtsivska Town Community

Nyzhnioverbizka Village Community

Mateyivetska Village Community

Kirovohrad Oblast:

Novoukrayinska City Community

Malovyskivska City Community

Mykolayiv Oblast:

Domanivska Town Community

Kamyanomostivska Town Community

Mostivska Village Community

Halytsynivska Village Community

Kutsurubska Village Community

Ternopil Oblast:

Shumska City Community

Skalatska City Community

Terebovlianska City Community

Vyshnivetska Town Community

Zolotopotitska Town Community

Velykohayivska Village Community

Kharkiv Oblast:

Starosaltivska Town Community

Kherson Oblast:

Chaplynska Town Community

Prysyvaska Village Community

As is known, the first 25 amalgamated communities which would obtain support from the USAID funded DOBRE programme were announced on 25 October 2016.

Please find more information about the USAID funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) programme HERE



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