10% of Resources of the State Fund for Regional Development will be Channelled to the Projects in each of Sports Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency Areas, Resolution of the Government

We procured that resources of the State Fund for Regional Development would be channelled to financing investment programmes and projects aimed at sports infrastructure development and energy efficiency of the state-financed and municipally-owned educational and health care institutions. The financing would be not less than 10 % of the resources of the State Fund for Regional Development in each of those areas. It was stated so by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko at the meeting of the Government when commenting the approval of the respective resolution.

"The approved resolution will improve and adjust the procedure for preparation, assessment, and selection of investment programmes and projects on regional development to be financed on account of the resources of the State Fund for Regional Development", Hennadii Zubko underlined.

Earlier, it was reported that in 2017, UAH 9 billion would be channelled from the State Budget to the projects of strategic importance to communities.



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