The Law on the Status of a Village Headman in Amalgamated Communities has Become Effective

On 11 March 2017, the official newspaper of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine "Holos Ukrainy" published the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (Regarding the Status of a Village and Town Headman)" (Draft Law No. 4742 ).

Thus, the Law has become effective since the final provisions of the Law state that "the Law shall become effective on the day immediately following the date of publication hereof".

As is known, the Law sets forth the status of a headman more precisely by determining dimensional boundaries of his/ her activity, terms of reference, grounds and procedures for the early termination of powers, guarantees of activity, etc.

In particular, the applicable laws introduce the notion of "headman's circuit" - one or several villages (towns) within the territory of an amalgamated community where the interests of the inhabitants are represented by the headman.  By this, the ubiquity of the institute of headmen within the boundaries of an amalgamated community is introduced, thus guaranteeing the protection of rights and interests of the inhabitants of all villages and towns.

It is a reminder that the President of Ukraine signed the Law on 9 March 2017.

You can find more detailed information about the institute of headmen in the amalgamated communities HERE



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