The Voluntary Accession of Communities should Exist: the Parliament has Adopted the Long-Awaited Law

On 9 February 2017, the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine adopted in the second reading and as a whole draft Law of Ukraine No. 4772 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (Regarding the Voluntary Accession of Communities)".

241 Members of the Parliament voted for that resolution (roll-call voting). 

The draft law simplifies the procedure for a voluntary amalgamation of territorial communities, vests the communities with the right of acceding, under a simplified procedure, to an already amalgamated community. It will facilitate the establishment of actually capable communities in accordance with the approved Long-Term Plans and in compliance with the Methodology of Establishment of Capable Territorial Communities.

The amendments, in particular, determine the conditions, the fulfilment of which allows a newly established territorial community being deemed as a capable one. Such community should be established around a centre specified in the Long-Term Plan of Formation of Territories of the Communities in the Oblast (Region), whereas not less than half of the number of inhabitants provided for in the Long-Term Plan should be living in it. Each subsequent territorial community will accede to such community under simplified procedures. Also, elections of members of the council of the amalgamated community shall be held in the acceded territorial communities, whereas election of the head of the amalgamated community shall not be held. Thus, representatives from all territories will be in the council of the newly established community.

It is a reminder that the draft law was passed in the first reading on 20 September 2016.



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