Additional UAH 48.4 Billion for Local Budgets and Additional UAH 2.3 Billion for the Budgets of the Amalgamated Territorial Communities - Results of the Financial Decentralisation in 2016

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and support provided by the DESPRO Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralisation Support Project in Ukraine, prepared the financial analysis pertaining to the meeting of revenue targets by local budgets and by 159 amalgamated communities in Ukraine in 2016.

The analysis proves an upward trend in the implementation of financial decentralisation and reforming local self-government, the first stage of which reform comprises the voluntary amalgamation of territorial communities.

The influx of earned revenues to local budgets increased by 1.5 times (+ 49.3%) or by UAH 48.5 billion, in comparison with 2015, and totalled UAH 146.6 billion.

The earned revenues of budgets of the amalgamated communities have increased by more than three times , in comparison with 2015 (from UAH 1 billion up to UAH 3.3 billion) In average, per capita earned revenues of the amalgamated territorial communities' budgets increased by UAH 1,645 (from UAH 700 to UAH 2,345).

In total, the resources of local budgets of 159 amalgamated territorial communities (including transfers thereto) increased by almost seven times (in comparison with the 2015 revenues to the budgets of local councils which merged in the amalgamated territorial communities) and totalled UAH 7.1 billion. 

The government financial support for the development and infrastructure facilities totalled UAH 7.3 billion; the amalgamated communities received almost UAH 1.2 billion and thus were able to implement almost 1.5 thousand of infrastructure projects.

You can find the financial analysis pertaining to the meeting of revenue targets by local budgets in 2016, by each Oblast (Region) separately, HERE


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