644 projects are already submitted to the State fund for regional development through the internet-platform

From the moment of launching of an open internet-platform for registration of investment projects as part of the programme of the State fund for regional development, 644 projects have been submitted. The statement has been made by the Vice Prime Minister, the Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services, Gennady Zubko.

«An open platform of investment projects and regional development programmes has been created on the Ministry basis. Every platform user can see the proposed objects in a given region. We want to make the process of project selection as transparent as possible, and simplify the access to resources of the State fund for regional development, which has been created for financing of such projects», - Gennady Zubko said during the meeting of the Inter-department commission for evaluation of compliance of investment programmes and projects of regional development, which can be implemented at the cost of State fund for regional development, with the requirements of the legislation.

«A great problem for all regions is the lack of projects and of prepared technical documentation. I request oblast managers to display serious attitude to the projects, concerning the next year, 2016», - he stressed.

According to the Vice-prime Minister of Ukraine, oblasts have submitted projects, which are to be implemented before the end of 2015, as well as projects for 2016.

For instance, Vinnytsia oblast has registered 48 regional development projects. Dnipropetrovsk – 17, Donetsk – 54, Volyn – 27, Zakarpattya – 40, Zaporizhzhya – 41, Ivano-Frankivsk – 87, Kyiv -12, Kirovograd – 70, Lugansk – 45, Mykolaiv – 29, Odessa – 5, Rivne – 50, Sumy – 17, Ternopil – 45, Kharkiv – 12, Kherson -3, Khmelnytsky – 28, Cherkassy – 18, Chernivtsi – 14, Chernigiv – 5, the city of Kyiv – 1. In total, 21 oblasts submitted their projects, while Lviv and Poltava oblasts have not submitted any projects so far.

Gennady Zubko reminded that the Government allocated 3 billion UAH, which were directed to the State fund for regional development.

All projects and the principles of the programme can be found at http://dfrr.minregion.gov.ua.


07.07.2015 - 18:12 | Views: 9947
644 projects are already submitted to the State fund for regional development through the internet-platform



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