The "Decentralisation: Culture Sector" Concept has been Presented

Today, 20 January, the matrix of reform, operation tasks and objectives were determined at the strategic session on decentralisation in the cultural sector. The session was initiated by the Ministry of Regional Development jointly with the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Finance, representatives of the Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation, and the EDGE Project. Yevhen Nyshchuk, Minister of Culture of Ukraine, took part in the event.

The "Decentralisation: Culture Sector" concept has been presented, which concept clearly defines performance indicators for the reform implementation in the industry. In particular, they involve a decreased crime rate in territorial communities; increased percentage of children visiting cultural institutions on a regular basis; the specific weight of revenues of communities in the total volume of governmental funding spent for cultural institutions maintenance; the number of new jobs created in the cultural sector. Thus, there was developed the progress chart for further reform advancement in the cultural sector and active participation of regions, cities, and communities in the process.

It is a reminder that Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko emphasised that the key objective of the decentralisation in 2017 was the sectoral advancement of reforms in the areas of education, health care, culture, administrative services provision, land relations, road infrastructure, and territory planning.

Also, there were held strategic sessions on the development of proposals for the Government's action plan for 2017 with respect to the decentralisation reform and determination of priorities in the construction industry.



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