The Education Reform should Move in Line with the Decentralisation, Hennadii Zubko

It is expedient to accelerate the implementation of the New Ukrainian School Concept just at the level of pivotal schools which are formed in the amalgamated territorial communities along with the decentralisation reform. Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko commented on the New Ukrainian School Concept of Implementation of the State Policy in the Area of Reforming Secondary Education for the period until 2019, which concept was presented at the meeting of the Government.

"Within the framework of the reform, school spaces begin being formed in the amalgamated territorial communities where primary schools are consolidated into the pivotal schools. The implementation of the New Ukrainian School Concept exactly at that level will allow, firstly, ensuring that the quality of text-books in the primary and pivotal schools becomes much better. Secondly, to elevate the education in rural areas to quite another level. Thus, the education reform will move in the same direction as the decentralisation reform", Hennadii Zubko emphasised.



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