EUR 23 Million from the EU will Enable the Implementation of Regional Development Projects, Hennadii Zubko

One more mechanism of funding regional development projects has been implemented - at the expense of the first tranche of the European Union's aid in the amount of EUR 23 million for sectoral budgetary aid. Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko commented so the passing by the Government of a relevant resolution.

"Seven days ago, the European Commission passed the resolution on paying the first tranche. It is the result of our two-year cooperation with European partners. By passing the today's resolution, we approved the procedures for holding a competitive selection of projects and using the monetary funds. Through that mechanism, the regional development programs and infrastructure projects in the amalgamated territorial communities will be implemented, the regional policy monitoring system will be improved, the geographic information system of regional development will be created, and so forth", Hennadii Zubko underlined.

For reference purposes

The European Commission passed the resolution on paying the first tranche of budgetary aid in the amount of EUR 23 million under Supplementary Agreement No. 1 on Financing the Sector Policy Support Programme - Support to Ukraine's Regional Policy that was signed on 19 July 2016. The Agreement provides for total financing in the amount of EUR 55 million (EUR 50 million for the purposes of budgetary aid (the first tranche in 2016 in the amount of EUR 23 million, the second tranche in 2017 in the amount of EUR 12.5 million, the third tranche in 2018 in the amount of EUR 12.5 million, and EUR 2 million at the end of the Agreement), EUR 5 million for the purposes of extra support).



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