The Draft Law on the Status of a Village Headman have been Prepared for the Final Voting in the Parliament

On 15 November 2016, the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) Committee on State Construction, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government recommended to the Parliament to pass draft law No. 4742 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (Regarding the Status of a Village and Town Head)" in the second reading and as a whole.

That draft law sets forth the status of a headman more precisely by determining dimensional boundaries of his/ her activity, terms of reference, grounds and procedures for the early termination of powers, guarantees of activity, etc.

The draft law was passed in the first reading on 8 September this year.

It should be reminded that the Ministry of Regional Development and non-governmental experts consider the draft law to be of high priority and that it should be passed still at the current session of the Parliament.

You can find more detailed information about the institute of headmen in the amalgamated communities HERE



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