Analytical Report Local Budgets Continue to Increase as a Result of Financial Decentralisation

The Ministry of Regional Development, with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance and the DESPRO Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralisation Support Project in Ukraine, prepared the financial analysis of performance in terms of revenues by local budgets and by 159 amalgamated communities in Ukraine, for nine months of 2016.

The results of the analysis convincingly show positive trends in the budget decentralisation and reform of local self-government. The own resources of local budgets in Ukraine continue to increase. Thus, for nine months of 2016, the revenues increased 1.4 times, that is by UAH 34.2 billion, in comparison with the previous year.

The influx of own resources to the budgets of amalgamated territorial communities  still more strikingly proves the continuous trend of increasing performance by local budgets for nine months of 2016, which resources have increased by UAH 1.5 billion, or three times, in comparison with the same period in the previous year. You can find more detailed information about this matter HERE.

Similar results of increased revenues by the budgets were also shown by the performance thereof in the first six months of 2016, that is three times, in comparison with the same period in the previous year. You can find more detailed information about this matter HERE.

"Those are tangible assets for the development of communities, and they mean the new quality of life. With the funds, there appear renovated kindergartens and schools, administrative service centres, roads and infrastructure facilities in the communities. These qualitative changes are irreversible", Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko noted during the presentation of the local budgets analysis at the meeting of the Budget Committee of the Parliament. 



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