Three Draft Laws which are Important for the Local Self-Government Development have been Prepared for the Second Reading

The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine Committee on State Construction, Regional Policy, and Local Self-Government recommended to the Parliament to pass three draft laws which are important for the reform of local self-government and the decentralisation of power and which are followed by the Ministry of Regional Development, in the second reading and as a whole.

It was so reported by Director of the Department for Local Self-Government and Territorial Structure of Power of the Ministry of Regional Development Serhii Sharshov following on from the results of the meeting of the Committee held on 2 November 2016.

The matter in question is the restated draft law "On Service in the Bodies of Local Self-Government" (No. 2489), draft laws No. 4676 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine regarding the Conditions for Changing Boundaries of Rayons (Districts) in the course of Voluntary Amalgamation of Territorial Communities" and No. 4772 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (Regarding Voluntary Joining of Communities)".

According to Serhii Sharshov, the draft law "On Service in the Bodies of Local Self-Government" contains a number of important provisions which, in particular, introduce a new model of remuneration of officers of the local self-government bodies, bonuses and incentives for employees. "In general, it is expected that, after this draft law is passed, the prestige of service in local self-government bodies, the motivation of local officers to develop communities and improve their professional skills will significantly increase", he noted.

The draft laws pertaining to the conditions for changing boundaries of Rayons (Districts) in the course of voluntary amalgamation of communities and on voluntary joining of communities shall improve the procedure for establishment of capable communities. In particular, they deal with the issues of holding elections in the amalgamated and joined communities. "The adoption of these laws are awaited for by hundreds of communities, thousands of people who have decided to follow the way of consolidation of efforts for the sake of development of their territories. Therefore, we expect that the voting in the Parliament will be held in the nearest future", Serhii Sharshov said.



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