Launch of the DOBRE Programme: USD 50 Million will be Provided for the Development of Territorial Communities, Hennadii Zubko

Today, we have launched the Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) programme. This is a powerful programme of the decentralisation reform in Ukraine which is implemented with the assistance of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Through the programme, USD 50 million will be granted to Ukraine in the course of 2016-2021. It was reported so by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko during the official opening of the DOBRE programme.

"The start of the DOBRE programme is indeed a good thing for Ukraine. As a matter of fact, the project is aimed at the assistance for communities which have assumed the responsibility to change the management system in the country, change the life of people in their territories.  The amalgamated communities throughout Ukraine will obtain assistance for the implementation of specific projects: development of strategic plans for the amalgamated territorial communities, introduction of electronic governance in the communities, application of the best practices regarding the establishment of the Administrative Service Centres, the development of infrastructure. The decentralisation reform is indeed a national project. And we really appreciate that many international partners joined in supporting it. As a matter of fact, the decentralisation is the reform uniting and protecting the country", emphasised Hennadii Zubko.

Addressing the amalgamated communities, Hennadii Zubko underlined " In 2015, we had 159 amalgamated territorial communities. By the end of 2016, they will be 367. You have already assumed the responsibility. Now, it is all up to you. You have already obtained powers, increased budgets, and the possibility to develop a strategy. The DOBRE project is aimed exactly at that. You will get assistance in the development of strategic plans, implementation of specific projects. But the most important thing is the prospects of development of your territorial communities and qualitative changes in them."

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman, USA Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Jovanovich, President and Executive Director of Global Communities David Weiss, and Project Manager Barry Reed participated in the official opening of the programme.

For reference purposes.  Amalgamated communities from seven Oblasts participate in the DOBRE programme. The selection of amalgamated territorial communities to participate in the programme will take three stages in the following order: the first stage: October 2016 - 25 amalgamated territorial communities; the second stage: March-April 2017 - 25 amalgamated territorial communities; the third stage: September-October 2017 - 25 amalgamated territorial communities.

The first 25 amalgamated communities which will obtain assistance from the DOBRE project have been selected. The selected communities include six from each of Ternopil and Dnipropetrovsk Oblasts, four from Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, three from each of Mykolayiv and Kherson Oblasts, two from Kharkiv Oblast, and one from Kirovohrad Oblast. Namely:

4 city communities

Apostolivska city community (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast)

Merefianska city community (Kharkiv Oblast)

Bobrynetska city community (Kirovohrad Oblast)

Bashtanska city community (Mykolayiv Oblast)

11 town communities

Pokrovska town community (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast)

Slobozhanska town community (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast)

Tsarychanska town community (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast)

Pechenizhynska town community (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast)

Rohaska town community (Kharkiv Oblast)

Askania-Nova town community (Kherson Oblast)

Oleksandrivska town community (Mykolayiv Oblast)

Husiatynska town community (Ternopil Oblast)

Zavodska town community (Ternopil Oblast)

Mykulynetska town community (Ternopil Oblast)

Skala-Podilska town community (Ternopil Oblast)

10 village communities

Mohylivska village community (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast)

Novo-Oleksandrivska village community (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast)

Biloberizka village community (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast)

Starobohorodchanska village community (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast)

Verkhnianska village community (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast)

Muzykivska village community (Kherson Oblast)

Kochubeivska village community (Kherson Oblast)

Prybuzhanivska village community (Mykolayiv Oblast)

Baikovetska village community (Ternopil Oblast)

Ivanivska village community (Ternopil Oblast)



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