The Ministry of Regional Development Started the Operation of the Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation in Ukraine

The decentralisation is striding the country, the newly established amalgamated territorial communities have obtained financial independence and are gradually obtaining powers pertaining to the management at the community level of the following areas: education, health care, social protection, territorial development, architectural and construction control, and in the nearest future, disposal of lands within the boundaries of the amalgamated territorial communities.

Decentralisation is indeed a complicated reform promoting structural changes in more than 20 directions. Its aim is to improve the life of people. There are determined 12 key areas daily affecting the life of Ukrainians, and the formation of policy at the state level regarding the decentralisation of powers in each of those areas is the overriding priority.

The Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation is established by relevant ministries, with the support of experts, the general public, donor projects implemented in respective sectors, as the national coordinator for the formation of industry-specific policy on decentralisation with the aim of effective coordination of the work on the formation of state decentralisation policy.

Is this the matter of current concern? Unambiguously, it is. It is notable that the Partnership Agreement between the Ministry of Regional Development and Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd, within the framework of the Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth project was signed on 12 October 2016 during the working visit of Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko to Ternopil Oblast where the results of implementation of decentralisation in the region were considered.

At the meeting with heads of the amalgamated territorial communities, Rayons (Districts) and the Oblast (Region), there were determined urgent issues regarding the arrangement for services in the communities in the areas of education, health care, social protection, culture, establishment and operation of administrative service centres, which issues require that decisions pertaining to the decentralisation policy in those areas are made immediately.

In accordance with the Partnership Agreement between the Ministry of Regional Development and the Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth Project ("EDGE") signed by First Deputy Minister Viacheslav Nehoda, the Canadian Government will provide technical and financial assistance to the Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation with respect to its operations for one year. The selection of Project Managers for the Office is to be completed today, which managers will be responsible for 12 areas: education, health care, social protection, administrative service centres, administrative and territorial system, local budgets, environment and use natural resources, land relations, city planning and architecture, infrastructure (transport, communications, roads), culture, housing and communal services.

The Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation will interact in its work with the Central Office of Reform at the Ministry of Regional Development and Regional Offices for Reform Implementation in 24 Oblasts (Regions), which offices are currently being established with the support from donors.

Ukraine is grateful to the donor community for the establishment of a system-based infrastructure in promoting and managing the decentralisation reform and highly appreciates their support of reforms in Ukraine.

Please find the presentation of the three-tier management model HERE



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