Financial Decentralisation: Local Budgets Have Increased by UAH 34.2 Billion over the Period of Nine Months

According to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the general fund of local budgets received (net of transfers) UAH 103.9 billion over the period of January through September of the current year, which amount constitutes 99.4% of the annual volume of revenues approved by local councils.

The addition of revenues to the general fund in comparison with the period of January through September of the previous year (under comparable conditions and without taking into consideration the territories not controlled by the Ukrainian Government) totalled 49.0% or + UAH 34.2 billion.

The growth rate of actual return of personal income tax in comparison with the period of January through September 2016 totals 149.2%, and of land fee, 162.3%. At the same time, in 22 and 6 regions, respectively, the growth rate is higher than average in Ukraine.  (slides 1-2).

In general, the amount of personal income tax over the period of January through September totals UAH 55.5 billion - the level of implementation of the annual target as approved by local councils is 91.5% (slide 3), the land fee totals UAH 17.4 billion - the level of implementation of the annual target as approved by local councils is 110.6%. 


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