Administrative Service Centres of the Amalgamated Communities Got "Second Breath" after Amendments to the Budget Code

At length, the funds received in consideration for the state registration services will be retained by the budgets of the amalgamated communities.

The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine adopted Law No. 4386-д  on 8 September regarding the payment of separate administrative fees to the local budgets whereby it made amendments to the Budget Code. Thus, the matter of payment of separate types of administrative services fees to the general fund of the budgets of amalgamated territorial communities has been determined in the law.

After the law becomes effective, the following will be paid to the community budgets:

  • the administrative fee for the state registration of estates in real property and encumbrances thereof;
  • the administrative fee for the state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public formations;
  • the fee for the reduction of the time frames for rendering services in the area of state registration of estates in real property and encumbrances thereof and the state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public formations, as well as the fee for rendering other services related to such state registration.

It should be reminded that, yet in March, the amalgamated communities which had established Administrative Service Centres or Registration Services by that time raised the issue of settling the issue of fee for the administrative services of state registration, since the Administrative Service Centres in communities were vested with the powers to provide such services, however, the fee for the provision of them was paid to the Rayon (District) budget. It should be noted in this regard that both the technical support is granted on account of, and the wages to employees of the Administrative Service Centre are paid, from the budget of the amalgamated community.

Valerii Svider, Director of the Administrative Service Centre in the Humenetska amalgamated community in the Khmelnytskyi region is not concealing his pleasure. "We have got the "second breath". We have been longing for a long time for that law! Frankly speaking, we felt utterly discouraged sometimes. On Thursday, already at 8 o’clock in the morning, I was watching the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada in anticipation of the moment when our draft law would be considered. But its turn came as late as at 5:37 p.m., that is, 20 minutes prior to the close of business for the Members of Parliament. I thought the day was against us and we would have to wait for indefinite time again. However, the law was adopted. There are some "supreme forces" which help us, the amalgamated communities. I'm very grateful to the Ministry of Regional Development and Director of the Office for Reforms Serhii Yatskovsky for the support regarding this matter", Valerii Svider said.

According to him, the Administrative Service Centre is already preparing letters of information for individuals and legal entities applying for services of state registration and the centre is looking forward to the signing by the President of Ukraine of the law and its official publication. Indeed, the law will become effective on the next day following the day of its publication.

You may find more information about the Administrative Service Centres in the amalgamated communities, as well as other information HERE



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