Minregion got the support of the Association of Ukrainian cities while creating Offices for reforms in oblasts

The Ministry of regional development, construction, and housing and communal economy, as well as the All-Ukrainian association of local self-government bodies “Association of Ukrainian cities” signed the Memorandum of coordination of activity goal in implementation of local self-government reform on April 16.

The document provides that Minregion shall facilitate creation of Offices for implementation of reforms of local self-government and decentralization of local authorities (so-called Reform Offices) in oblasts. These offices will perform expert and consultative work on preparation of prospective plans for oblasts.

Following the recommendations of OSA heads, the Ministry shall define the candidacies of experts to work in Reform Offices, provide organizational and methodical support.

Beside that, the Ministry shall enhance cooperation between oblast state administrations and Reform Offices and facilitate consideration of proposals from the offices by oblast state administrations. Proposals in question will concern development of prospective plans, approval of prospective plans by oblast councils, presentation of prospective plans for consideration and their approval by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Memorandum is implemented as part of the project “Initiative on protection of rights and representation of interests of local self-government in Ukraine” (project “Dialogue”), funded by US Agency for International Development. The project will ensure financial support of activity of heads and experts of Reform Offices, that will help respective councils to develop draft prospective plans, form positive attitude to creation of capable territorial communities, and consult representatives of local self-government bodies on the listed issues. 

The Association also develops practical recommendations for local self-government bodies on practical implementation of the Law “On voluntary unification of territorial communities”.

The Memorandum enters into force at the moment of being signed, and remains in force until September 5, 2015.

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