The functions and responsibilities of the state architecture and construction control have been transferred to the local level

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the law, developed by Minregion. The law reforms the system of state architectural and construction control and delegates respective functions and responsibilities from state to local level.

306 people’s deputies voted for the Law “On introduction of amendments into some legislative acts of Ukraine as to decentralization of power in sector of architectural-construction control and improvement of city planning legislation”.

The Law rules that documentation allowing implementation of preparatory and construction works, conduction of state architectural-construction control, and acceptance of completed facilities, situated on the territories of settlements, into operation, shall be provided by local executive bodies of village, town, and city councils for state architectural-construction control.

As for facilities, located outside settlements, these functions are delegated to structural subdivisions of raion state administrations for state architectural-construction control.

Objects, located on the territory of several administrative and territorial units, belong to the competency of central executive bodies involved in state architectural-construction control through Chief inspectors for construction control.

At the same time, implementation of the law will provide freedom of option, an opportunity to choose the solution, which the authority considers the best under the circumstances, from among several legally acceptable alternatives.

Besides, the architectural-construction control authorities will be created based on capabilities and requirements of respective regions.

The law also provides that the function of supervision over observance of legality of local authority’s decisions shall be retained by the state. A system of state supervision of decision-making in the sphere of city construction and conduction of state architectural and construction control, as well as mechanisms for appealing against such decisions, are created.

The Law improves the procedures of submission of declaration on preparatory and construction works through providing an exhaustive list of grounds for its decline.

In accordance to the Law, the client (ordering party) is not obliged to inform local executive authorities and local self-government bodies on the documents, authorizing construction or acceptance of facilities into operation. Liability of the ordering party for not submitting such documentation is cancelled.

Besides, the term of provision of technical requirements is limited to 10 days from the day of registration of the respective application.

In general, it is expected that the Law will contribute to improvement of city-building activity and state architectural-construction control, reduce corruption risks through simplification of authorization procedures, strengthen the role of local executive authorities and local self-government bodies in complex development of territories for the benefit of communities, and make the services as close to the citizens as possible.

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