According to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, after the first stage of budget decentralization the incomes of local budgets increased by a quarter

After the first stage of budget decentralization, the incomes of local budgets increased: “In January-February the revenues of general fund of local budgets amounted to 13 billion UAH, which was 25% more than the respective indicator of the previous year”, stated the Prime-Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, during the selective meeting with OSA heads on the situation with fulfilment of local budgets on Tuesday, March 24.

“I realize that this is far from the limit. And, thanks to our joint work and real struggle with corruption, as well as launching of economy, we will have a better result”, he stressed.

The Government Head reminded of the mandate for OSA heads, instructing every oblast’ to publicly report on the usage of local budget funds: “So far, the mandate is not fulfilled. I am asking you to fulfil the Government’s mandate within a month’s term, and publish all the information on web-sites of oblast’ state administrations on a weekly basis – the amount of funds received and what basic articles they are targeted at”.

According to Yatsenyuk, the citizens must see, “that tax payment in the country leads to tangible results – a road or a school repaired, salary, pension, or social allowance paid”.

“Transparency of state funds usage is the demand of the present day. It’s not the official’s money, but the country’s money. It’s the money of every Ukrainian, who pays taxes. It’s the money of ever company, creating jobs, and also paying taxes into the public coffers. The money, which should be spent on every Ukrainian and on the restoration of the state as a whole”, Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed.

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