The laws, leading to formation of effective regional policy are adopted, says Gennadiy Zubko

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted (in the second reading) the laws of vital importance for reformation of local self-government and territorial organization of authority – “On Voluntary Unification of Territorial Communities” and “On Foundations of State Regional Policy”. Adoption of these documents will provide the opportunity to launch modern mechanisms and form successful practices of territorial development project implementation. The statement was made by Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services, Gennadiy Zubko. He stressed, that the key objective of the process was formation of effective regional policy, that would ensure unity of all the territory of the state, straighten the disproportions in regional development, which would, in turn, create opportunities for high-quality life, independently of the place of residence.

The Vice-Prime Minister also noted the “return” of article 12 to the law on voluntary unification of territorial communities.

 “We are glad that the legislators considered our opinion and returned the article on mandatory preparation of prospective territorial development plans to the text of the law on voluntary unification of territorial communities. As a result, decisions concerning creation of capable territorial communities through their voluntary unification will be balanced and systematic”, said Gennadiy Zubko.

He also underlined, that voluntary unification of communities would not result in changes of status of settlements, both urban and rural, while decisions on unification would always be preceded by public discussion and expert examination, involving all local self-government bodies and the public.

The official stated that territorial communities, which decided to unite, would get informational, organizational, and financial support from the state.

 “Financial support of communities, united on voluntary basis, will be provided by the state through subventions, targeted at formation of the necessary infrastructure, in accordance to plans of social and economical development of such territorial communities. Beside that, we hope, that projects of voluntary unification of communities will be also supported by the State Fund for Regional Development; this year the allocations for this fund have amounted to 3 billion UAH, plus 1 billion UAH, allocated from the budget for development of rural territories”, Vice-Prime Minister noted.

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