The President has signed the Strategy for Sustainable Development “Ukraine-2020”. Decentralization is defined as one of the first-priority reforms

President Petro Poroshenko has signed the Decree "On the Strategy for Sustainable Development "Ukraine – 2020"”.

The Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine until 2020 determines goals and indicators of their achievement, as well as directions and priorities of state development. The purpose of reforms is to achieve the European standards of life and a decent place in the world for Ukraine. The Strategy includes 62 reforms. 8 reforms and 2 programs are the top priorities among them. The Strategy also defines 25 key indicators of successful state development.

The top priorities are defined as follows: reform of the national security and defence system, renewal of authority and anti-corruption reform, judicial and law enforcement reform, decentralization and public administration reform, deregulation and development of entrepreneurship, healthcare reform, and tax reform.

The top priorities also include two programs – energy independence and popularization of Ukraine in the world, as well as promotion of state interests in the global information space.

Implementation of the Strategy provides for achievement of 25 key indicators. Particularly, it is planned that Ukraine will enter the top-30 countries in the World Bank's Doing Business ranking. In Standard and Poor's rating on liabilities in foreign currency, Ukraine's investment category shall be at least "BBB". The GDP per capita (under the purchasing power parity) estimated by the World Bank shall increase to 16 000 USD.

Net FDI inflow will have equalled 40 billion USD by 2020. Expenditures for the national security and defence equal at least 3% of GDP. Ukraine must enter the top-50 countries according to Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.

The main precondition for the implementation of the Strategy is social agreement between the government, business, and civil society, where each party has its zone of responsibility.

Under the Decree, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall approve the plan on the implementation of the provisions of the Strategy by February 15 each year and inform the public on fulfilment of the plan quarterly.

Commenting on the approval of the Strategy, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Secretary of the National Council of Reforms Dmytro Shymkiv has noted that its elaboration had been held in several phases with involvement of broad range of experts and the public. "We started the elaboration of the Strategy in July 2014, when we invited the public to submit proposals on the development of the country. Then, we held a series of discussions and consultations with experts and the public, organized the opportunity and received remarks and proposals as to the Strategy online, held online surveys about the key indicators," Dmytro Shymkiv said. On December 24, 2014, the National Council of Reforms approved the Strategy at its first meeting.

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