Hennadii Zubko: the Establishment of the Project Office of Sectoral Decentralisation has been Initiated Jointly with European Partners

For monitoring and advancement of the decentralisation reform, the Ministry of Regional Development initiated the establishment of the Project Office of Sectoral Decentralisation which activities will cover approximately 12 sectors and will be carried out with the assistance of international donor organisations. That was the point of the meeting of Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko with international partners - representatives of GIZ, USAID, EDGE projects and partners from the EU, embassies of the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, and Canada.

The Vice-Prime Minister noted as follows: "The Project Office should become a communication centre that will unite horizontal communications between the ministries and agencies responsible for various sectors of decentralisation and vertical communications with the local self-government and regions".

He outlined 12 main sectors: education, healthcare, social protection, administrative and territorial system, local budgets, social and economic development, environment and use natural resources, administrative service centres, land relations, city planning and architecture, infrastructure (transport, communications, roads), culture, housing and communal services.

"These areas have to be reformed at the central level (at the level of ministries) in accordance with the key decentralisation reform. Obviously, this should take place in conjunction with the Project Office of Sectoral Decentralisation. And thereafter, all decisions made will be implemented at the regional level as soon as possible. Then, the reform will advance much faster and will have the maximum practical effect," emphasized Hennadii Zubko.

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