Volodymyr Groisman introduced the newly appointed leader of Minregion, Gennadiy Zubko, to the Mininstry’s team

A newly appointed Vice Prime Minister – Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services, Gennadiy Zubko, was introduced to Minregion’s team by the Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman.

He thanked the team for joint work and expressed strong hope, that the reforms, initiated by Minregion, would be implemented into life, while stressing his support of the newly appointed leader of Minregion.

I remain faithful to the work which we started together. We were successful in accomplishing some tasks, and unsuccessfull in some other matters.  . I know that the Ministry team did everything within its competence to keep things going. I presume, my main task is not just to occupy the post of the head of Verkhovna Rada, but to ensure parliamentary support of reforms, including the reforms, developed within the walls of this ministry. We are obliged to accomplish everything we intended to do together”, Volodymyr Groysman said while addressing the Minregion team.

Gennadiy Zubko, in his turn, assured that he would work on implementation of the initiated reforms. He informed the team that in the nearest time the Government would consider the Plan of Action of the Cabinet of Ministers for the coming year, including the 5 top priorities (among them, decentralization of responsibilities).

I am honoured to continue working on the previously initiated developments. Ukraine faces serous challenges. And the present Government is capable of accepting these challenges and of resolving the pressing issues”, Gennadiy Zubko said.

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