From discussion to actions: the Government implemented pilot online administrative services in construction sphere

From now on notification and declaration of the start of preparation or construction work can be registered without physically visiting the authorities, using the web-site

On October 17, 2014, a round table discussion titled “From online service to online government” took place in Minregion under support of OSCE and “Vidrodzhennya” (“Revival”) foundation. During the round table pilot online administrative services for construction industry, implemented as part of the joint project of the State Agency for E-governance in Ukraine, State architectural and constriction inspection of Ukraine (DABI) and the Coordinator of OSCE in Ukraine, were presented.

Myroslav Koshelyuk, deputy Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services, who opened the event, stressed that development of multi-channel online services was one of the top priorities for many countries of the world. It is the online services that can efficiently support dynamic economy in the modern world. The services are accessible 24/7, which is very important in the present-day situation, and besides, they considerably reduce the possibility of corruption and abuse.

Coordinator of OSCE projects in Ukraine, Vaidotas Verba, calls modern information technologies an anti-corruption barrier.

“Modern information technologies in state government can create a kind of an anti-corruption barrier through implementation of transparent procedures and the opportunity to control provision of services”, he said.

At the first stage of the joint project implementation, four pilot online services are launched: registration of a notification or declaration of the start of preparatory works or registration of a notification or declaration of the start of construction works. As a result, citizens and oranizations, starting construction (reconstruction, restoration, capital repairs) of objects of I-III complexity category, can get the necessary documents without visiting the authorities. The ordering party can get the services online, on the web-site, after completing a necessary electronic form of a notification or a declaration and signing it with an electronic digital signature.

“We want to make the procedure of getting services from DABI as simple and smooth for citizens as possible. Once the system starts working, any person will be able to complete the declaration of a start of construction works while staying at home. The declaration will be automatically sent to the respective territorial department of the State inspection of architecture and construction. Moreover, all the way “travelled” by the document can be traced online. This will make the process of permitting decumentation preparation several times faster, eliminate queues in the Centres for provision of administrative services, and significantly reduce corruption-related risks”, said the State architectural and construction inspection head, Maksym Martynyuk.

Oleksandr Ryzhenko, the head of State Agency for E-governance in Ukraine, stressed that the online services launched in construction were still a pilot project.

“According to the legislation in force, online administrative services must be provided through a unified state portal of administrative services. Currently, the portal is in the state of modernization. That is why, while implementing these services, we used the best European practices as an example. In most EU countries different departments independently develop online services in accordance to unified open standards and rules, which are integrated into a unified portal. That is, in most cases, a unified web portal provides centralized access to a set of separate frameworks, separate services, as well as centralized informational services, and authorization services. In our case we position pilot online services as independent services within the future unified state web-portal of administrative services”, Oleksandr Ryzhenko explained.

It should be reminded, that as part of implementation of the EU-Ukraine Agreement, the State Agency for E-governance in Ukraine must ensure systematic development of e-government in Ukraine in accordance to European standards. Respective tasks were set for the Agency by the Vice Prime Minister, the Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services, Volodymyr Groysman.

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