During the First Five Months, the Local Budgets Increased by 50% and the Budgets of the Amalgamated Communities, by Five Times

In January through May 2016, the revenues of local budgets in Ukraine have generally increased on average by 48.8% (in comparison with the same period in the previous year), and the budget revenues of 159 amalgamated communities, together with transfers, increased in 2016 by more than five times - up to UAH 4.55 billion.

It was so stated by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko in Odesa during the opening of the traditional XII Ukrainian Municipal Forum.

"We transfer powers and money to the local level - to the territorial communities. These two "whales" of decentralisation will allow the communities to independently make decisions and implement them in practice. The amalgamated communities and their residents experience the actual effect of the reform. "I am sure that the success of the reform directly depends on the activity level of local self-government", Hennadii Zubko emphasized.

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