The final results of interviews with candidates for regional reform offices were announced

The selection commission completed its consultations and announced the final results of interviews with candidates for regional reform offices for decentralization and development. At this stage commission identified 18 coordinators. Commission decided to conduct a new call for 6 regions.

13-15 June in Kyiv selection commission conducted interviews with candidates for regional reform offices for decentralization and development, who applied for this position in the period from 12 to 27 April 2016. The selection process was attended by 64 experts from all regions of Ukraine. From each region selection commission invited three candidates: one of them was pre-determined by a state administration, another two were proposed by representatives of EU and GIZ. Selection commission consisted of representatives of Minregion and international partners. Also, relevant experts, representatives of NGOs, local government associations, and donor partners were invited as observers.

The selection of coordinators occurred based on the total rating score, which has consisted of two criteria: 1) result of the modern test on abstract, logical and mathematical thinking; 2) marks of selection commission. As main criteria at this stage were considered work experience in local government or non-governmental organizations, achievements in international projects, understanding of nature and aims of decentralization, leadership and communication qualities, etc.

Currently, selection commission has identified office coordinators in 18 areas.

“U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme” is implemented in Ukraine by EU and its member-states. Funds structure: EU – 90 m EUR, Germany – 6 m EUR, Poland – 1 m EUR.

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