A series of discussions on the peculiarities of budget reform implementation in the regions, has taken place

Throughout March, an informational campaign on the issues of budgetary and fiscal decentralization, was taking place in the regions. Experts from Minregion, Minfinance, State Fiscal Service, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, together with heads of oblast’, raion, village, settlement councils, as well as financial departments and territorial bodies of the State Fiscal Service, held round table discussions on the changes being introduced into budget and tax codes, concerning decentralization.

Government experts explained how in 2015 local budgets will get an additional resource of 22 billion UAH, as a result of implementation of the new funding model.

 According to the head of Lviv Oblast State Administration, Oleg Sinyutka, decentralization should result in a comfortable self-governance model, which would reflect real needs of communities, have financial basis, enabling progressive changes, and be favourable for the public.



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