A Constitutional Commission is created to develop changes which are to be introduced into the Constitution of Ukraine

On March 3, 2015, the President of Ukraine signed an order On the Constitutional Commission, while on March 31 he approved its membership. The Commission is to be headed by Volodymyr Groysman (the Head of Verkhovna Rada).

The Commission will develop proposals as to changes to be introduced into the Constitution, including changes to the part concerning decentralization. Representatives of political forces, public, and experts, are engaged in the process.

The key changes in the part on local self-governance reformation will concern redistribution of responsibilities between executive bodies and local self-government, creation of executive bodies by raion and oblast councils, change of status and responsibilities of local administrations, and reorganization of these administrations into prefecture-type bodies.

 According to Venetian Commission President, Gianni Buquicchio, it is important for constitutional changes concerning decentralization to enter into force before local elections. Voters must know, which responsibilities the authorities they elect are going to have.



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