Close to UAH 42 Billion Have Already Been Received by Local Budgets over Four Months - That Is the Result of Budget Decentralisation, Hennadii Zubko

The budget decentralisation we commenced in 2015 picks up steam and shows the upward trend. In January through April this year, UAH 41.7 billion were received by the general fund of local budgets. The amount increased by UAH 13.3 billion, that is, almost by 50%, compared to the same period in the previous year. Owing to new financial capacities, the communities get financial independence and new development prospects.

So said Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko at the extended meeting with heads of rayon state administrations, rayon councils, and communities during his working visit to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. The publicly discussed topic concerned top-priority tasks of the local self-government reform and power decentralisation.

"Today, the financial decentralisation already shows the upward trend. Over the period of the first four months of the year, local budgets already have almost 42 % of the annual revenues planned by local councils", Hennadii Zubko said.

He also noted that, according to the official information, over the period of January through May of this year, actual revenues from the personal income tax increased by 148.4 %, up to UAH 22.6 billion; the land use fee, by 157.7 %, up to UAH 6.9 billion.

"Those figures prove that the budget decentralisation initiated by us, despite talk of populists and sceptics, unquestionably proves its efficiency. The communities get more and more resources to resolve local issues, as well as substantial incentives for development. Regions may channel additional funds for the development of their infrastructure facilities, construction and renovation of schools, hospitals, roads, etc.", Hennadii Zubko noted.

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