Investment Projects to Be Financed in 2016 for Account of the State Fund for Regional Development Are Approved for 11 Oblasts

Amalgamated territorial communities should propose more actively their projects and programmes which may be financed for account of the State Fund for Regional Development to Oblast State Administrations for consideration and submit such projects and programmes for approval by the Inter-Departmental Commission at the Ministry of Regional Development

It was said so by Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko at the meeting of the Government held on 11 May where he presented the list of regional investment projects.

"The process of such documents preparation is very slow. Oblast State Administrations should speed up the process of consideration of projects provided by the amalgamated communities and also consider them from the point of view of people making use of them", he noted.

According to the government official, the Inter-Departmental Commission recommended that the Government approve 219 projects submitted by 11 regions at the today's meeting: Vinnytsia, Volynska, Dnipropetrovsk, Zakarpatska, Kyiv, Poltava, Rivne, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi Oblasts and the city of Kyiv.

"The Commission recommended that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approve the financing of projects in the amount of UAH 1,009,598.420 thousand. The amount includes UAH 955.639 thousand for the satisfaction of accounts payable which accrued for account of the Fund in 2015. The undistributed balance of funds of the State Fund for Regional Development totals UAH 1,990,401.580 thousand", the Vice Prime Minister told.

It is a reminder that the State Fund for Regional Development intends to spend UAH 3 billion for the implementation of investment projects and regional development programmes in 2016. To assess compliance of the investment programmes and projects with the requirements of the legislation, the Ministry of Regional Development established a respective Inter-Departmental Commission.

It is a reminder that Hennadii Zubko informed previously that the list of projects to be funded in 2016 for account of the State Fund for Regional Development was prepared.

As is known, 22 regions have prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development the list of projects and programmes planned to be implemented for account of the State Fund for Regional Development in 2016. However, because of poor quality of preparation of those projects, a significant number of them were returned for rework. Kherson and Cherkasy Oblast State Administrations failed to submit a single project.

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