The First Elections of Deputies and Chairpersons of Local Councils Were Held in Three More Amalgamated Communities

On Sunday, 24 April, the first elections of deputies and chairpersons of local councils were held in three amalgamated communities:

  1. Piskivska town amalgamated territorial community in Borodiansky Rayon of Kyiv Oblast (Mr. Anatolii Rudnychenko was elected as the chairman),
  2. Pryvilnenska village amalgamated territorial community in Dubensky Rayon of Rivne Oblast (Mr. Yurii Momotiuk was elected as the chairman),
  3. Krupetska village amalgamated territorial community in Radyvylivsky Rayon of Rivne Oblast (Mr. Vitalii Moshkun was elected as the chairman).

Thus, as of today, 172 amalgamated territorial communities have already been established in Ukraine.

After elections, the newly-established communities will form their own executive committees and will be able to promptly resolve all local issues, efficiently manage their resources, develop their territories, and, consequently, change the life of residents for better.

The amalgamated territorial communities obtain financial and organisational support from the state, have direct relations with the State Budget, as well as powers and sources of revenue to the budgets similar to those of the cities of regional subordinance. In particular, the communities which have amalgamated in accordance with the prospective plan for the establishment of Oblast (region) communities retain 60% of the individual income tax, other taxes and charges.

As it was reported, on 27 March 2016, the first elections of deputies and chairpersons were held in ten more amalgamated communities.

Earlier, Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko noted that new rush for an amalgamation of communities was expected still in the current year since 76 amalgamations had completed the required procedures.

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