Regions May Establish Regional Development Agencies - Resolution of the Government

The Governmental Portal published Resolution No. 258 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of a Model Regulation on the Regional Development Agency".

In their development strategies, most regions provide for the establishment of the regional development agency that will assist local authorities in implementing the strategy and carry out the measures stipulated in its implementation plan. However, up to this time, there was not a government document determining the organisational and legal status of the agency, its fundamental rights and functions, management bodies, and sources of financing.

"By the said resolution, the Government promotes the enhancement of the institutional capacity of regions in achieving objectives of their development and the growth of investment attractiveness of regions. Such steps forward to the local self-government prove the efficient implementation of the national regional policy", First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Viacheslav Nehoda commented.

As it was reported, the regional development agency will operate as an office providing consultations and practical assistance in the course of preparation and implementation of programmes and projects for regional development.

The agencies have to become the centres of cooperation between governmental, private, and public sectors since they may be established by Oblast state administrations, relevant councils, and non-government organisations as the co-founders.

It is expected that not only members of the public but executive power bodies, local self-government bodies, companies, institutions, organisations, etc. will enjoy the positive effect of interaction and cooperation with the regional development agencies.

Currently, the regional development agencies are successfully operating in such leading countries as Germany, France, Great Britain, Poland, Australia, and Canada.

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