European Union allocates €97 million to support decentralization in Ukraine - parties sign relevant agreement

On April 22 there was signed an agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the European Commission acting on behalf of the European Union, on the financing of the U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme. On behalf of Ukraine the document was signed by Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine/Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities HennadiiZubko, on behalf of the European Union - Head of the European Commission’s Support Group for Ukraine Peter M. Wagner.

"Today's event and a €97 million support package is first large-scale financial assistance to Ukraine to support institutional development. It's not just the funds, it means the recognition by the European Union the success of decentralization reform. Most of the money will go on training of local authorities at all levels. Through the program, people in the regions will obtain important knowledge necessary for future development of their communities: strategic planning, budgeting, monitoring, e-governance, effective financial management, etc. Each of us should feel the effect of this. This is investment in knowledge and the ability of communities to change, to grow, get new quality of life. We want over the following years, while this program is in effect, we could have trained a new elite, powerful and educated people who are willing to assume responsibility and to be real leaders," the Prime Minister stressed.

The overall objective of the U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme is to contribute to the establishment of multilevel governance which is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the population. The programme is planned for two years and includes two main components:

  • Enhancement of the capacity of key actors at central, regional and local levels in order to implement decentralisation reform and pursue regional policy: training for local authorities at all levels, thematic consultations, support of professional education for officials of the executive authorities, training on project cycle management;
  • Improving delivery of local administrative services: operation of centers of providing administrative services and raising awareness of citizens on local self-government.

We will remind, on 20 April, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the European Commission acting on behalf of the European Union, on the financing of the U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme.



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